Wednesday, 13 March 2024


Hello fellow Whovians! There's been a sudden flurry of interest in this website lately so it seems a good time to outline my pans for it. I'd always wanted to write a website like this, delving into the worlds of Dr Who in detail and was very frustrated to be busy/poorly during the time of the 50th in 2013 which seemed like the proper time to do it. So I hatched plans for the 60h in 2023, one that seemed ever more certain when the BBC announced that they were putting every story up on i-player so this site could act as a sort of 'introduction' to each story, a one-stop place to go look things up for people who find Wikipedia to dry. Only for my other projects to over-run so I couldn't spend as much time on it as I wanted. When I first started writing these Who reviews, one a day across 2023 leading up to the 60th anniversary, it was only meant to be an 'extra' in between other writing projects, a few lines here and there on Twitter/X (come say hi, I'm @alansarchives). Then, me being me,  I found I had too much to say for a few little tweets and the project grew review by review. I had a few readers asking if I could put my thoughts on a website where people could read them at leisure and seeing as I have a few others already ( and thought I might as well, but I was still busy with my scifi-romance-drama-comedy-philosophy series 'Kindred Spirits' (available at no good bookshops though Amazon has them all.  'Abundance' even has a short story about Who's 500th anniversary when the series has long since been cancelled by Earth but is a big hit on the planet Glabdihardis Kindred Spirits (6 book series) Paperback Edition ( 

By the end of 2023 I finally had more time just when I was running out of stories to review and finally cracked how I, at least wanted these reviews to go from the start: properly researched detailed lengthy reviews that run to approximately ten A4 pages each. So across 2024 and 2025 I'm going back through to all the old ones and bringing them all up to around the same length. With 320 of them now, though, it's a big job and I'm having to break off to write other things in between. So far I've revised the bottom ten of my original ranking and have gone back to the beginning in chronological order this time for variety's sake. I am up to 'Fear Her' as of today, with a link to a review in chronological order now over on my twitter but am taking a break when I reach the hundredth (which is 'Fury From The Deep'). Hopefully I shall be picking things up again with 'Galaxy 4' sometime after the Summer and carrying on u to somewhere around 'Planet Of The Daleks', with the last hundred or so reviews re-written across 2025. So until then you might see a combination of reviews that are quite short set against others that are quite long: don't worry they'll all end up reviewed to the same level of detail eventually, just please bear with me for the next year and a bit (although you and I both know, dear reader, that time is relative don't we?) In time, probably the second half of 2025, these reviews will also be made available in book form - more on that nearer the time. I will hopefully be back in May and June for the eight new episodes of series fourteen or whatever they end up  calling it to differentiate it from the old ones. Till then happy reading and Who-viewing and I will talk to you again soon! Alan's Alien Archives 

Update as of June 23rd:  Revisions have got as far as 'Invasion Of The Dinosaurs' - nearly halfway!

Update as of September 23rd: Revisions now complete as far as 'Planet Of The Giants', roughly the two-thirds point. More in 2025! 

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Joy To The World: Ranking - N/A (but #170 ish)

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